Welcome to my blog! If you want to start learning data science but feel intimidated, this the right place for you. This blog will give you layman’s explanations, easy-to-follow tutorials, and ready-to-use analysis templates for numerous topics in analytics. Hopefully, this blog can help you, even just a little, in your journey to learn data science wherever it goes.
Why data science?
Because it is beautiful. Data alone is probably meaningless with most people out there. It is just a bunch of tables and numbers and arbitrary repeating words of which some do not even make any senses. That is where data science comes in. You, as an analyst, will cast your magic on those meaningless thingies, and you will produce knowledge. And who knows, the knowledge you discover may in turns help some scientists find a new cure for a disease, it may help a company develop new products, it may help a city improving their environment, it may help anyone anywhere!
What is being “practical” here?
And to where do the “practical” part of this blog’s title come? Data analytics, for the most parts, is an intersection among mathematics, statistics, and computer science. On one hand, it is indeed necessary to possess a solid background in those three areas to do “advance stuffs” in your analysis. On the other hand, learning to apply the huge existing analytical toolset is considerably less demanding. Therefore, I want to start this blog to help you learn in a practical way. I will try my best to explain complicated concepts at levels that beginners can understand and apply. Of course, we cannot totally avoid an occasional equation, but I promise to keep those as few and understandable as possible. Surely, code examples with detail explanations will be provided. You will also get code templates for common steps in data analysis to reuse with minimal programming required.
Hopefully, this blog could help those who want to get into data science gain an overview of the area in a reasonable amount of time. If you are a data science veteran, you are also very welcome! Maybe you know something I do not, or vice versa. So, please feel free to share anything you would like.
Now let us start!
So why wait? Let dive into this beautiful ocean. And I, your analyst buddy, will be there for you, aiding you in the conquest of the depth of data science.